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Trust that you trust.

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The fact that right at this moment, you are being just being you, is more then enough to know that you will see yourself arriving at the place you wish to be. It can be very confusing at times when your common ground is shaking and you feel yourself moving in between deep inner insights, and the mind that just wants to make sense out of all this. 

In order to help ourselves through those moments, which is a very loving urge, most of the time we are used to ‘do’ something. We need to go somewhere or make the thoughts change, force yourself to trust, change a pattern, let go of something, improve or distract yourself to feel joy. Even the action of ‘coming back to ourselves’ is keeping us from the most peaceful knowledge you will ever attain; it is impossible to leave yourself. 

It’s impossible to go the wrong way, make bad choices or mistakes. It’s all there because you are learning that all of it is okay. You are Human. And that as a human, you can never ever be separated from all that you are. You are always there because you are. And that’s enough. So much more then enough. 

The divine part of you, knows exactly what it is doing and is leading you. Without any effort. When you feel confused, you’re supposed to feel confused. When you feel scared, that is exactly the feeling that you are meant to feel. When you resist something, you’re meant to recognize it. When you don’t feel trustfull in yourself at all and have the courage to acknowledge that, that’s te moment you trust yourself the most. 

Every feeling is being transformed in the moment that’s it is there. It’s transformed into the greater light exactly in the moment it needs to be and in for your greatest good. Within every feeling you create more light, right in that moment. 

The key is in suddenly seeing yourself letting it all in and trust that you already trust. To see the glimps of yourself already doing it. Receiving everything from yourself and feel powerless in the middle of it. That’s where your power, trust, joy, love and peace are. Right there in de middle of it all. 

You don’t have to make yourself do, feel, think or even be anything at all. You just being you, is enough. It is prove that you already enjoy all of this journey because without knowing it, you know exactly where you’re headed. And even when everything seems so scary, especially then, trust that you trust. Because you already do. You already know. You already are that joy, love and peace that you are looking for. The future that you are, will never leave you because it’s unconditionally yours and it is impossible to be separated from it. So don’t even try. When you don’t feel like it, it doesn’t mean it’s not there. 

Because it’s you. It’s all unconditionally you.